Using Jasper AI to Automate Your Independent Consulting Writing

Leverage Jasper for your business. Jasper is an AI writing assistant, designed to serve the particular use cases of companies, marketers, and content creators to write in consistent brand voice(s) with out of the box templates for various use cases.
Written by
Kim Le
Published on
March 12, 2024

We’ve discussed extensively in a series of posts on how to get started on using ChatGPT for different purposes. We’ll explore here how to leverage Jasper for your business. Like ChatGPT, Jasper is a LLM packaged into SaaS; and Jasper is designed to serve the particular use cases of companies, marketers, and content creators to write in consistent brand voice(s) with out of the box templates for various use cases.

Jasper AI Templates and Document Types

Unlike ChatGPT’s interface which feels like I’m having a conversation with an automated support “person”, Jasper’s UI feels like opening up a word document and getting to work.

Jasper AI document types and templates

If you’re not familiar with the software, follow our Step-by-Step Simple Assignments to Get Started on Jasper.

How to Use Jasper AI as a Consultant

To use Jasper, the user starts out by choosing one of Jasper’s preset “templates”. From there, Jasper requests from the users various inputs to start producing content. At each step of process, Jasper can provide default responses from the topic, target audience, SEO keywords, and even and outline if the user has trouble. This makes Jasper an immensely powerful productivity assistant, and its use cases are many.

Your Junior Sales Rep

As a solo freelancer, a third of the job is landing clients. That means always selling in a high-touch sales model. Jasper can help you win clients in this sales model by assisting with:

  • Prompt personalized follow-ups after client meetings
    • Use the Templates under Sales such as “Cold Emails” or “Follow-up Email”
    • Use the Templates under Email such as “Welcome Email” or “Re-engagement Email”
  • Drafting initial Scope of Work proposals
    • Use the Template “Product Proposal” to draft an initial proposal for your services
    • Having trouble with the outline? Include sections for outline of services, communication and meeting expectations, deliverables, timelines and checkpoints, fees for services, and general terms of the agreements (addendums to the main contract). If it’s a multi-month project, break down the outline into phases.
  • Formally writing up meeting notes
    • Use the Templates “Content Summarizer” or “Content Rewriter” to write up your meeting notes before sharing back to your clients
    • Having trouble with the outline? Include sections for meeting attendees, agenda items, meeting notes, decisions made, takeaways, and follow-up action items including a next time to meet

Jasper continues to expand its library of email templates. As of this writing, Jasper offers 11 email templates for different use cases.

Whereas ChatGPT requires the user to master the prompt, Jasper is fine tuning its output based on the narrowed down input parameters to help produce better results.

Your Website and Blog

Jasper AI outlines and inputs

With a plethora of social media platforms and alternative community platforms, is a webpage and a blog still a worthwhile investment? In many cases, a webpage and a blog are still needed to build credibility for your personal brand and company’s services.

Yet once you’ve decided to start a website and a blog, where do you start? Overcoming the initial inertia that prevents most dreamers from becoming doers can be a challenge that takes years to overcome. A writing companion like Jasper can help you get started in minutes. Like a former boss told me, it’s sometime “really nice to have something to react to” even if the content wasn’t exactly what she was looking for. The same rings true for Jasper’s write-up. It can help unblock your writer’s block even if the content isn’t what you yourself would approve.

Not convinced you need a blog? Then repurpose that blog as a newsletter, the new trend for readers and writers alike.

Jasper’s templates to get you started:

  • Blog Category - Choose from the generic Blog Post, my favorite the Listicle, the Instructional Post and a few other options
  • Website Category - Choose from Headlines, Keywords, Landing Page, and Meta Descriptions
  • Product Category - Choose from FAQs, Product Descriptions, or the not so kosher Product Review

Our Favorites: The Blog Post and Listicle

The Blog Post and the Listicle are our go-to templates to draft our content when we have an idea but have trouble crafting the idea into a cohesive narrative. The final result often doesn’t have much of Jasper’s initial writing, but without Jasper’s starting point, we may well never have gotten started. After only a handful of months, Jasper has taught me to be a better writer.

A Tool for Social Media

Jasper provides an extensive library of templates designed for specific Social Media use cases. The writing style, length, and tone varies to match what would be expected for that specific use case. Hashtags for keywords and phrases are automatically generated and integrated to feel natural in your post.

Jasper’s has the most extensive set of templates for Social Media with 15 templates spanning the categories of Social Media, Advertising, and Tools

Some Highlights of Jasper’s Templates for Social Media:

  • Instagram Caption — With the addition of emojis and appropriate hashtags, this makes Jasper’s Instagram Captions better than mine…
  • Facebook Post — Similar to the Instagram Caption, Jasper’s default tone, text length, and appropriate addition of symbols, emojis, and hashtags makes Facebook Posting one of its better Social Media templates

Jasper Everywhere: a Time-Saving Browser Extension

Jasper AI Everywhere Browser Extension

Beyond just being an AI writing assistant, Jasper’s UI/UX design has focused on optimizing the user’s productivity and efficiency. Jasper even offers a browser extension allowing users to bring Jasper with them in any cloud based application. This allows users to natively have Jasper on multiple applications without have to manually copy, paste, and reformat.

Despite its heftier price tag, Jasper’s optimized design for content creators and business owners make it an invaluable writing and marketing companion to automate your processes. Jasper helps you decrease time on administrative tasks and get back to your business’ revenue generating job.

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